Please be sure to also review the Syllabus for your section (located on each section’s page).
Read the complete Festival Rules and Procedures, including the Preamble.
Syllabus Changes for Festival 2025
Note: This is not a complete list of all changes; be sure to also read the Syllabus for your section.
Festival Fees may be refunded in full if requested in writing prior to March 15 of the Festival year for which the fees were paid. Approval of refunds so requested after March 15 will be at the discretion of the Festival Manager, based on their assessment of the specific reasons provided by the requestor
Photographic or video recordings may be made by and for the personal use of family, friends, and teachers, and ONLY of the participant/s they are there to support. Any such recordings must be made unobtrusively, so as to not distract the performer/s or adjudicators, nor interfere with the viewing and enjoyment of other audience members. No flash photography will be permitted. No recordings of any kind are permitted of the Adjudications
New Classes for 2025:
o Percussion Ensemble classes in Brass and Percussion section - see page 4 of the Brass and Percussion syllabus for details
o Own Composition class for Piano II section – see page 9 of the Piano syllabus for details
PABC Festival Changes: refer to the 2024-2025 PABC Syllabus for details
Introduction of a Virtual Choral Speaking class for school groups
Changes to footwear in Modern Dance division
Canada West Festival Changes: refer to the 2025 Canada West Festival Syllabus for details
o Changes include being able to send more competitors in a number of classes and changes to some of the time limits. If you would like to be considered for the 2025 CWPAF, indicate this on your BC Provincial Festival Registration Form
FCMF National Music Festival Changes: refer to the FCMF 2025 Syllabus for details
o Competitors under the age of majority in the hosting province [at the time of the National Music Festival] must be accompanied by a parent/guardian/provincial or local festival chaperone to in-person events.
o For jazz band classes, it is strongly encouraged that jazz ensembles include a minimum of one improvised solo in at least one of the two required selections. The 10% total length of solo passages does not apply to jazz band classes #9302 and #9304. •
o The majority of members in a chamber group must be in the listed age bracket for the class.
o Junior Chamber Ensemble age is changed to 14 years and under. Intermediate and advanced Chamber Ensemble ages remain at 18 and 30 respectively.