We are extremely grateful for the loyal and generous support of our Sponsors. Your contributions are critical to ensuring that Festival can sustain its operation and continue playing a key role in the performing arts community of Greater Victoria.
Our supporters fund our work in many different areas:
Festival Planning & Execution In-Kind (administrative staff, financial & accounting services, legal services, pianos, accommodation, printing, engraving, volunteer gifts)
Sessions & Concerts (venue, adjudicators)
Concerts In-Kind (flowers, programs)
Festival Registration (subsidize fees)
Adjudication (adjudicator costs, transportation, accommodation & per diems)
Transportation/Bussing (entrants)
Your sponsorship helps provide:
a unique performance opportunity
an element of educational growth for young people to develop physical skills, cultivate social skills, refine discipline and patience, boost self-esteem and confidence, and build character
entertainment that builds communities, promotes volunteerism, and an opportunity to acknowledge and support the success and endeavours of their young people
We are grateful for the support of our generous Sponsors:

The Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival Association gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the BC Government.